Reclined Yoga Pose for Stress-Relieving Benefits

Reclined Yoga Pose

Yoga can be many things – from energizing to strengthening to relaxing. Depending on the style of yoga you practice, certain poses can be incredibly relaxing, such as the reclining (also known as “lying down”) goddess pose. And if you have tight hips, you might want to try it. Here’s how, as demonstrated by certified yoga instructor Juanina Kocher.

  1. From a seated position, slowly lower onto your back.
  2. Release your knees by spreading your legs apart, forming a diamond shape with your feet.
  3. Place your arms comfortably by your sides, palms up.
  4. Rest here for 1-5 minutes – or longer if you practice yin yoga.

Tips and Benefits:

  • If your knees don’t fall apart comfortably, try placing blocks, blankets or props under your knees for support.
  • For extra heart-opening benefits, try lying down with a yoga block in the middle of your back, towards your shoulder blades. A block can also be placed under the head if it puts too much strain on the neck.
  • To deepen your posture, try stretching your arms toward the ceiling and then pulling them back over your head so that your hands are palms up on the floor. Push your shoulder blades down and back, open your chest, and roll your armpits up toward the ceiling.
  • Tune into your body and your breathing by placing one hand on your belly and the other on your heart if you feel comfortable.
  • Pay particular attention to this posture if you have a knee or groin injury.

What are the Benefits?

Many of us carry a lot of tension around our hips, and the supine goddess is a great posture for relieving that tension. As Kocher previously told mbg, this relaxing posture is one of the best bedtime poses to help your whole body relax, calm down and prepare for rest.

And according to registered yoga instructor Claire Grieve, who previously said it was her favourite relaxation pose, “just a few minutes in the reclining goddess will make you feel like a whole new person”.

The Lesson

Whether your hips are bothering you or you just want to relax with a yoga pose that calms your cluttered mind, the reclining goddess is not to be missed. Whether you hold it for a minute or 20 minutes, this pose has a lot of great benefits.

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