Eagle Arms: How to Practice, Benefits, and 9 Pose Variations

Incorporating variations and modifications into your yoga practice can enhance your experience and bring variety, inspiration and depth to your journey on the mat. One effective technique to explore is the yoga eagle arm, which not only serves as a powerful tool to improve flexibility and strength, but also enhances focus and balance, helping you find your center amidst the chaos of daily life. When you combine eagle arms with other yoga postures, you can make a variety of adjustments to heighten your awareness and deepen your connection to your body, mind and spirit.

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What are Yoga Eagle Arms?

Yoga eagle arms, also known as garudasana arms, are a special arm pose that is often incorporated into yoga practice and is derived from the garudasana or eagle pose. In eagle arms, one arm is wrapped around the other, creating a binding effect that promotes alignment and balance while providing a deep stretch for the shoulders, upper back and arms.

This pose can be quite challenging, especially for those with tight shoulders or limited flexibility. However, it offers many benefits and can be a valuable addition to your yoga practice, inviting you to embrace the duality of strength and surrender and challenging you to stretch beyond your perceived limits.

Benefits of Practicing the Eagle Arms Stretch

  • Improves flexibility: Yoga Eagle Arms can significantly improve flexibility in the shoulders, upper back and arms. Crossing and wrapping the arms helps to stretch the muscles and improve range of motion.
  • Releases tension: The eagle arms exercise can help to release tension in the upper body, particularly in the neck, shoulders and upper back. This relaxation can lead to an overall feeling of relaxation and well-being. Focusing on your breath while holding this pose can lead to lower stress levels.
  • Promotes better posture: Yoga Eagle Arm promotes awareness of upper body alignment, which can contribute to better posture over time. By stretching and strengthening the muscles in the upper back and shoulders, you can counteract the negative effects of prolonged sitting and poor posture habits.
  • Stimulates blood circulation: Practicing Yoga Eagle Arms stimulates circulation by increasing blood flow to the arms and shoulders. The twisting and binding movement helps to improve the oxygen supply to the muscles, which can increase overall vitality and energy levels. This improved blood flow can also aid muscle recovery after physical activity.
  • Makes exercise more interesting and complex: Adding eagle arms to a basic or simple exercise can make it more interesting and complex.


Before practicing eagle arms, keep these precautions in mind:

  • If you have a history of shoulder injuries, rotator cuff issues or other upper body injuries, consult a physician or certified yoga instructor before attempting this pose.
  • If you suffer from tension in your shoulders or upper back, it may be difficult to achieve the full expression of Eagle Arms. Focus on gentle stretches to improve flexibility over time and consider using modifications or a yoga strap.
  • If you experience shoulder pain or discomfort while performing eagle arms, release the pose immediately and return to a neutral position. Pain is a sign that something is wrong, and it’s better to modify or skip the pose than risk injury.

Step-by-Step Guide to Practicing Eagle Arms

  • Find your foundation: Start by standing upright in mountain pose (Tadasana). Feel the ground beneath you as you distribute your weight evenly on both feet, keeping your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed.
  • Activate your arms: as you inhale, raise your arms to the sky and stretch them to your fingertips. As you exhale, lower your arms in front of your body and cross your right arm with your left arm at the elbow. Bend your elbows and wrap your forearms around each other so that the backs of your hands are touching.
  • Find your grip: If you have the necessary flexibility, cross your wrists and bring your palms together. (If you are unable to touch your palms, place your hands on your shoulders or hold on to the balls of your thumbs).
  • Create the connection: Gently squeeze the backs of your hands together and press your arms towards each other, creating a sense of muscular tension in your arms, shoulders and upper body. This connection helps to deepen the stretch in the shoulder muscles and upper back.
  • Activate your core: As you move into the Eagle Arms position, engage your core muscles. This will help you to maintain stability and balance in your posture. Pull your belly button in towards your spine to create a solid foundation for the rest of your body.
  • Deepen your breathing and stretch: Breathe deeply and evenly. Breathe in through your nose so that your chest expands and your ribcage opens. As you exhale, gently pull your elbows down towards the floor and away from your chest. Allow your shoulder blades to slide towards your waist and gently move away from each other to deepen the stretch in your upper back and shoulders.

Common Eagle Arm Pose Mistakes

Watch out for these common mistakes:

  • Hyperextending your back; keeping your spine neutral at all times.
  • Pulling the shoulders up towards the ears instead of relaxing them downwards.
  • Misaligning the elbows; make sure they are stacked on top of each other to maximize the stretch.
  • Tensing the face or jaw; keep the facial muscles relaxed to help relax the whole body.
  • Do not tense the core; activate your core to support the lower back and maintain stability.
  • Forget to breathe; focus on deep, even breaths to strengthen the pose and release tension.

Practice tips

  • Warm up: Before attempting Eagle Arms, you should warm up your shoulders and upper body with gentle stretching exercises. This can improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Avoid overloading: Pay close attention to your body’s signals. If you feel pain or discomfort in your shoulders or neck, gently release the posture and try an easier arm position. It is important that you maintain a sense of ease when practicing.
  • Concentrate on your alignment: make sure that your spine remains straight and your shoulders are relaxed. Avoid bending over as this can lead to unnecessary strain. Engaging your core will help you maintain correct alignment throughout the pose.
  • Change your posture as needed: If you find it difficult to fully wrap your arms around each other, you can change your posture as needed. Simply place your hands on your shoulders or hold onto your elbows instead of fully wrapping your arms.
  • Listen to your body: Everyone is different, and it’s important to consider your individual limitations and abilities. If you find certain variations of eagle arms too intense, adjust the pose to suit your comfort level. Regular practice will gradually improve your flexibility and strength.
  • Conscious breathing: Make sure you breathe deeply and consciously when practicing Eagle Arms. Inhale deeply through your nose to fill your lungs and exhale slowly. Not only will this help you focus, but it will also allow your body to relax into the pose, further enhancing the benefits of the stretch.
  • Use aids: If you find it difficult to hold the pose or reach your hands, you can use a strap or towel. Loop the strap around your hands to form a bridge. This will allow you to experience the benefits of the pose without overextending yourself.
  • Practice regularly: Consistency is key to improving your yoga practice. Try to incorporate eagle arms into your routine a few times a week. Over time, you will notice an improvement in your strength, flexibility and overall well-being in this pose.
  • Let yourself be guided: If you are practicing yoga for the first time or have specific concerns about your practice, seek guidance from a qualified teacher. They can give you personalized feedback, help with alignment and explain how to do eagle arms safely.

Variations to incorporate into other asanas

Eagle Arms can be practiced seated or standing, so you can choose the variation that best suits your comfort and physical needs. If you prefer a stable base, Eagle Arm seated offers a grounded way to experience the stretch and makes it easier to focus on your breath and the sensations in your upper body. Alternatively, you can practice the pose while standing to improve your sense of balance and engage your core muscles more actively. This versatility makes it accessible for people at different stages of their yoga journey.

Eagle arms can be seamlessly integrated into different poses for added benefits. For each variation, pause for a few breaths, then return to the starting pose and repeat with the other arm to achieve a balance of muscle tension and flexibility. Here are some effective ways to incorporate eagle arms into your yoga practice:

  1. eagle arm chair pose
    To practice this variation, start by standing with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees and lower your hips as if you were sitting on an invisible chair and bring your arms into eagle arms. Hold the chair pose with a strong core and steady breath so that the stretch opens up your shoulders and upper back.
  1. eagle arms in warrior 3
    To incorporate the eagle arms into warrior 3, start by standing upright in mountain pose. Step one foot back, bend forward at the hips and raise your arms above your head. As you shift your weight onto your supporting leg, cross your right arm over your left. Bend your elbows and cross your forearms, bringing your palms together if possible. This variation encourages balance and tightening of the core, while the upper body can be stretched deeply. Focus on drawing a straight line from the fingertips to the raised foot and keep your gaze steady to promote concentration and stability.
  2. eagle arms in goddess pose
    Start in a wide stance with your feet outstretched and bend your knees to lower into Goddess pose. Stay in a squat position and bring your arms into eagle arms by crossing the right arm over the left and wrapping them around each other. This pose opens the hips and stretches the shoulders and upper back at the same time. Make sure that your knees are in line with your toes and that your chest is lifted. Hold this position and breathe deeply to enhance the stretch and create a sense of empowerment as you embody the power of the God.
  1. eagle arms in high lunge
    From a standing position, take a step back with one foot to perform a high lunge. Bend the front knee while keeping the back leg straight. As you step into the lunge, raise your arms above your head and cross your left arm over your right arm, as in the eagle arms. Bring your forearms together and find your grip. This variation combines lower body strength with an upper body stretch to promote balance and concentration. Make sure your front knee does not extend past your ankle and feel the stretch in your shoulders as you inhale deeply.
  2. eagle arms in thunderbolt pose (Vajrasana)
    Start by kneeling on the floor with your knees together and feet flat on the floor. Lean back on your heels to find stability in thunderbolt or diamond pose. Raise your arms above your head and cross your right arm with your left so that your arms become eagle arms. This seated variation promotes relaxation and grounding and stretches the shoulders deeply. Keep your spine straight and your core tensed so that you have a sense of calm while breathing evenly. This pose is particularly beneficial after meals as it aids digestion.
  1. eagle arms in forward bend (Uttanasana)
    From a standing position, bend forward at the hips to assume a standing forward bend. Once bent forward, cross the arms at the elbows to form the eagle arms. Allow gravity to help deepen the stretch in your back and shoulders and let your head hang heavy. Maintain a slight bend in the knees if needed to avoid straining your hamstrings. Focus on releasing the tension as you breathe deeply and feel the benefits of this pose throughout your upper body as you ground through your feet.
  2. eagle arms in Lizard pose (Utthan Pristhasana)
    Start in a high plank and place one foot outside of the hand to transition into Lizard pose. Lower the hips while keeping the back leg straight. In this deep lunge, raise both arms above your head and interlock the right arm with the left to form eagle arms. This variation opens the hips and stretches the shoulders at the same time. Make sure you breathe evenly as you sink deeper into the pose and feel the balance between strength and flexibility.
  1. eagle arms in tree pose (Vrksasana)
    Start in Mountain Pose and shift your weight onto one leg to come into Tree Pose. Place the sole of the other foot against the inner thigh or calf of the standing leg. While maintaining your balance, raise both arms above your head and cross your left arm over your right to form the eagle arms. This combination promotes concentration and stability and opens the shoulders. Keep your gaze fixed on a fixed point in front of you as you breathe deeply, feeling both grounded and elevated in this pose.
  2. eagle arms in seated bound angle pose
    Sit with the soles of your feet on the floor and drop your knees to the side to assume Bound Angle Pose. In this seated position, raise your arms above your head and cross one arm over the other to form Eagle Arms. This variation promotes relaxation and opens the hips while deeply stretching the shoulders. Keep your spine straight and engage your core as you breathe evenly. Allow yourself to go deeper into the pose with each exhalation and enjoy the feeling of calm that it brings.

Final thoughts

Incorporating eagle arms into your practice can greatly improve your flexibility, strength and overall well-being. Not only does this arm variation offer a deep stretch to the shoulders and upper back, but it also promotes better posture and circulation. As you embark on your journey to master eagle arms, practice patience, perseverance, mindfulness and self-compassion. Embody the spirit of Garuda – the mythical bird that symbolizes freedom and transformation – and work to unite earth and sky and find a balance between grace and strength.

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